At Eden Village we place significant value on the wide range of benefits associated with Physical Education and Sport. Given our compact campus we have chosen to offer a range of ‘Action Sports’ that can be played on a smaller arena, and involve a faster pace, that challenges our pupils to develop a keen level of skill and teamwork, whilst playing an integral role in physical development, including strength, proprioception and coordination.
Our sport portfolio includes:
Basketball & Netball
Mountain Biking​
Both PE and Sport offer pupils a healthy outlet for reducing stress and anxiety, which can often build-up in the classroom, whilst teaching them valuable life lessons directly related to teamwork, collaboration and problem-solving.
We believe that a fit body leads to a fit mind, which naturally assists pupils to perform better academically. Regular time spent with friends on the sports field or in the pool, will often play a significant role in improving a child’s emotional maturity and ability to concentrate. A strong heart, improved lung function and better sleeping habits are all positive spin-offs gained from playing sport.
Additionally, we often find that pupils who may be working through learning or interpersonal challenges in the classroom, come alive on the sports field, building self-esteem and enabling them to flex other skills on the sports field, such as effective teamwork or leadership.
At EVPS we encourage pupils to set goals for themselves, as we recognise that achievements throughout the year can build personal confidence, and provide children with the ability to take on new challenges in the classroom and on the sports field.
Starting team sports at a young age provides children with a platform to develop the character and capabilities necessary to give them an edge in the competitive world of academics and sport. With competency, comes improved self-esteem and confidence, traits that we believe are incredibly important for children to develop and maintain at an early age.
By guiding children into the wonderful world of team sports our teaching staff are given a special opportunity to inspire children in a fun, active and structured fashion towards setting dreams and goals for themselves and taking the necessary steps towards reaching their full potential. Ensuring there is always an underlying 'element of fun' during practice and matches is an important ingredient when it comes to developing and sustaining a child's passion and enjoyment of sport.
The competitive ‘Action Sports’ that we offer at EVPS represent a prevalent trend in 21st Century living: the value of time and the desire to complete events faster to realise an outcome and fit more activities into a day.
A message from Ethan Venter, Head Ambassador and Sports Ambassador, delivered to the school at the opening of our new Action Sports Fields
Good morning, Mr Keeton, Mr Moss, Mrs Russell, teachers and Eden Village Preparatory students.
As the Head and Sport Ambassador, I am proud to announce that the new Astro field and basketball field is now officially open. Thanks to the management of our school, we now have a great new multipurpose area to play sport and to spend break.
Sport really means a lot to me. I get my inspiration from many different sports men and women from a variety of sports, but most importantly, you learn teamwork and sportsmanship. Sport is also a big part of South African’s lives. It brings us all together and no matter what your religion, culture or belief, it unites our people into the rainbow nation that we are.
This is a true story…
When I was six years old, I got a disease that nearly made me permanently paralysed. I wouldn’t have been able to play sport or even take a single step! But God changed that! He took a boy who couldn’t even move and made him a Sport’s Ambassador of this school.
For anyone who may be facing any challenges in life, whether you are scared of something or if you think something is too big of a challenge, just remember, no challenge is too big for your Father in Heaven.
Do you know Michael Jordan? For those that don’t, he is a great basketball player. He once said, “Obstacles don’t have to stop you! If you run into a wall, don’t give up! Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it!”
So, once again, I want to say thank you to Mr Keeton, Mr Moss, Mrs Russell and everyone who contributed to this amazing sporting facility. On behalf of all the children at Eden Village Preparatory School, we are really grateful!
Thank you
Ethan Venter
EVPS Head Ambassador & Sports Ambassador
(Dressed in recognition of his favourite sportsperson: Lebron James)